Monthly Archives: October 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Winter Wonder Land?

We are the 99% protest sign in Down town Dayton Ohio with a season pumpkin stand

OK. I know this is mostly a food blog, but I have taken a little break to talk about the Occupy Wall Street Movement, which does have elements of Food Activism, with off shoot movements likeĀ Occupy Monsanto.

The big question is winter. Will the Occupy part of the movement be hindered by the cold winter weather?

I figure it will get harder and harder for people to stay out 24/7 on cold winter nights. Full time Occupying is both the strength and the challenge to the movement.

Not since the Hoovervilles of the great depression has mass Occupy protests been used.

Improvised Rain Shelter Container, Downtown Dayton

But the deal is that full time occupiers seem to be only a handful of people who support the movement like myself.

Ed Shultz of MSNBC’s, The Ed Show, calls the movement, the 99%, which takes the whole Occupy out of the equation to represent it as the angry 99% who have seen their portion of wealth stagnate as the 1% sky rockets thanks to lower taxes like capital gains and bail out of Wall Street.

On a trip to Dayton Ohio’s Occupy group, members told me that there are large groups on weekends in the hundreds, but only 4-6 full time occupiers with about 10 people there on daytimes.

Dayton Ohio Occupy Wall Street Protestor with a sign that could have been taken from the Tea Party

The Full Timers do get the attention (and the arrests) and for those in the movement the deserve our support.

For me it is about increasing numbers, which comes from the large group of weekend warrior types and participation in pre-planned large attended rallies and marches.

More Signs then Protestor on week days awaiting weekend warriors to carry them, Dayton Ohio

I say, lets get the large rallies happening where people come out in great numbers and make a loud noise for a few hours, gain momentum, network and then go home to keep it going on social media, youtube, blogs and to their friends at work.

This means bumper stickers, T-shirts, buttons etc…and flyers around campus along with pre-planning for schedule events.

See my Occupy Wall Street Shop at

If you are going to college, start an Occupy Group or if you belong a to church, how about starting an occupy group on the grounds of your church or inside?

And lets not forget the Spring, Summer and Fall weather is a few months away with this next election season. Once the weather warms up, Occupiers will be in force occupying the beach heads the hardcore members have staked a claim too.



Occupy Wall Street: Occupy Wall Street T-shirts, Democracy is Good

Click to buy above T-shirt
Click to buy above T-shirtClick to buy above T-shirt

Click to buy above button

I am just having too much fun designing T-shirts. I came up with Democracy is good a few days ago. I am a big fan of voting. There will always be personal politics, but I feel that voter turn out in the US is low. So get out there and vote people. Democracy is good.

So where does Democracy is good fit into the local and food movement? I figure that people vote with their fork with what they eat too.

Occupy Wall Street: Occupy Wall Street T-shirts just a few more

click to buy above T-shirt
click to buy t-shirt above

Occupy Wall Street: Even More Occupy Wall Street T-shirts

Click to Buy the mugĀ 
a href=”″>
Click to buy Above T-shirt

Click to buy above T-shirt

Click here to buy above T-shirt

OK. That makes 15 designs. (chuckles)

The Occupy Wall Street Movement is starting to gain some energy in Ann Arbor. There is a small group of campers in Liberty Plaza in Down Town.

There is a meeting on Thursday, so I will see if the group has gotten bigger, or kicked out for that matter.

I assume that it will eventually move inside when the weather gets colder with more organized rallies instead of camping, but I could be wrong.

Maybe camping out in all sorts of weather in protest is a strong statement and it will continue.

OWS is still very new and it does not seem to fit into a nice media package like the tea party did.

I think that makes the media want to talk about it even more.

See SNL video parody of Mayor Bloomberg

The coverage is very piece meal with journalist asking one or a few people why they are their at various “camp ins” and receiving a lot of different answers.

My understanding is that it is not about support of a certain piece of legislation or party. It feels more like what happened in Egypt where the people rallied to change things at the top, but I speculate.

I am having fun making T-shirts.

T-shirt ideas are welcomed.



related posts

Occupy Wall Street T-shirts

More Occupy Wall Street T-shirts

Occupy Wall Street: More T-shirts

click to buy above T-shirtClick to buy above T-shirt
click to buy the above T-shirtClick to buy above T-shirt

OK. I have been on An Occupy Wall Street T-shirt design bender for a few days now.

Ann Arbor had their own Occupy gathering last Thursday at Liberty Plaza at 6:00 PM. I think they will meeting same time every week.

There were about 200 people at the rally. It was more of a huge meeting than a rally with people dividing into structured groups to coordinate the various aspects of organizing larger rallies and “occupations” of public spaces to support the movement.

As of yet, no one is camping out in the park as far as I know or in Ann Arbor for the Occupy Wall Street Movement. It is starting to get cold at night.

On the food end (this is a food blog after all) I read an article in the New York Times about how well the Wall Street Protesters are eating.

Want to Get Fat on Wall Street? Try Protesting
By JEFF GORDINIER Published: October 11, 2011

Since the protests began in September, nearby restaurants have experienced a strange uptick in phone calls and online orders, many of them coming from other parts of the world. Telly Liberatos, 29, the owner of Liberatos Pizza on Cedar Street in the Financial District, said he has received orders from places like Germany, France, England, Italy and Greece, as well as every region of the United States.

They have grown so big that they are looking for a commercial kitchen

Ms. Ferrara said they had begun looking for a nearby kitchen they could use to prepare all the perishable food coming in; that might reduce the need to rely on takeout. ā€œWeā€™re hoping to find a donated space,ā€ she said. ā€œA better, more professional space so that we can cater to the needs of our growing family, and prepare better meals, basically.ā€

And they even get NYC Deli. I am jealous.

At Katzā€™s, the deli on Houston Street, ā€œthousands of dollarsā€ in Occupy Wall Street orders have been coming ā€œfrom customers who are sympathetic to the cause,ā€ said Alan Dell, one of the owners. The deli has sent pastrami, brisket, corned beef and turkey sandwiches, as well as heaps of pickles, potato salad and coleslaw. ā€œThe potato latkes donā€™t travel well because thereā€™s no way to heat them up again,ā€ Mr. Dell said.

And Organic Cookies like I make and sell at the Farmers Market

Bob Reich, who once worked for Birdbath Bakery in Manhattan, appeared in the encampment a few minutes before 7 p.m. bearing bags of freshly baked cookies. ā€œThe ingredients are as organic as we can get them,ā€ he said.

The first few protesters in line for dinner would, it seemed, enjoy an upscale dessert course. Why had Mr. Reich made the effort? ā€œBecause I support what people are doing here,ā€ he said. ā€œAnd who doesnā€™t love a cookie?ā€

This movement is really too new to say where it will go, but I like the community food aspect and I will mentioned to the local group to feature a potluck at the weekly get together.

Part of my take on Occupy Wall Street is that we have to start taking care of each other, while we are working to create change.

Big business and stalemated Gov’t does not seem up to the job, but I feel that we can’t just drop out and let them off the hook. If we want change, we must work to change these flawed systems.

Part of taking care of each other is sharing good home made food.

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Occupy Wall Street

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Click to buy T-shirt Above

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Click to buy T-shirt Above

Click to get above T-shirt

Click to buy T-shirt above

Click to buy T-shirt above

OK. I know this is a food blog, so why do I have a post with a T-shirt for Occupy Wall Street?

For starters I designed these Occupy Wall Street T-shirts and I wanted to show them off.

For second, Wall Street has a huge say on what we eat.

Many of the big US corporations are fast food, junk food and corn syrup juice makers, so our food system lives in a large part with our huge Wall Street economy.

Check out my Cafe Press Occupy Wall Street Shop

Michigan Beer Documentary: Beer People

Michigan Beer Documentary

I am a big fan of promoting local Michigan Food related projects.

Allen Torres is a Senior at U of M who is making a documentary about Michigan Beer called Beer People.

His needs and funding request is minimal at $750 and he is already half way to his goal with 10 days left.

If interested, please check out this Fundraiser Page

Navajo Fry Bread Recipe: Native American Recipes

Ann Arbor Food

A hunking piece of hot Navajo Fry Bread Love

I am taking a Native American Literature class this semester and the professor handed us a recipe for Navajo Fry Bread. So of course, I made a batch and brought it in to class.

Fry bread is a staple food of modern Native Americans. It is often made and sold at powwows. It can be eaten as a sweet dish topped with honey and powdered sugar or as a tasty bread with a savory meal of say venison chile.

Its fried crunchy outside and soft dough inside makes Fry Bread a great item to serve with hearty stews

Navajo Fry Bread Recipe: Make 6-8 big size pieces

4 Cups of all-purpose flour
1 Tablespoon of baking powder
1 teaspoon of salt
2 Tablespoons of nonfat dry milk powder
1 1/4 – 1 1/2 cups of water
2-3 cups of high temp fry oil (Safflower, Peanut, lard or shortening)
2 Tablespoons of sugar (optional) if serving a sweet fry bread

Combine the flour, baking powder, salt and dried milk and sugar if using in a large mixing bowl or into your food processor. Mix in the water to form the dough into a ball.

Knead the dough for a few minutes then let it rest for 15 minutes covered with a moist towel.

Divide into 6-8 equal portions and roll into balls and flatten them out. Cover with a moist towel until ready to fry.

Ann Arbor Food

flatten Fry Bread 8-10 inches wide

Meanwhile pour 2-3 cups of oil into a large heavy bottom pot or cast iron pan. Heat the oil till hot, 450-500 degrees.

Flatten out the dough ball to a thickness of 1/2 inch. I do this by squeezing the dough with my fingers while spin them in a cycle like making a pizza, but you can use a rolling pin if you prefer.

Poke a small hole in the dough. This prevents the dough from puffing up unevenly. Then carefully place in the fry oil.

Ann Arbor Food

Fry Bread Frying

Cook for a few minutes until the bottom is golden brown, then carefully flip with thongs.

Ann Arbor Food

Golden Brown Fry Bread Frying

Place finished Fry Bread of paper towels.

Serve immediately.

My class found the fry bread to Ā taste great even at room temp. It can be made in advance and heated in the oven for good results.

Westside Farmers Market: Year in Review

Ann Arbor Food

Inchworm Bakery Peach Cobbler with cinnamon buttermilk biscuit topping (yummy)

It was another good year at the Westside Farmers Market. I know everyone talks up their market, but the Westside is the best.

This year the market had some great new additions.

Corridor Sausage Co
Featuring a variety of pork, chicken, beef and lamb sausages

Hand Sown FarmĀ 
Offering a great variety of fresh veggies

I hope they are back next season.

Inchworm Microgreens and Bakery Recap:

Baked Good:

All Made with Organic Flour, OrganicĀ Butter,Ā Organic sugar,Ā Organic eggs,Ā Organic spices and fresh local fruits and berries

Rhubarb Pie
Rhubarb Scones
Short cakes
Cinnamon Cakes
Blueberry Pie
Raspberry pie
Sweet and Sour Cherry Pie
(Finally bought a cherry pitter, was hand pitting for hours)
Peach Pie
Peach Cobbler
Slider Buns
Olive Oil Bread
Smoked Sea Salt Chocolate Cookies
Fresh Ginger Oatmeal Cookies

Sunflower Sprouts
Pea Shoots
(Yukon Gold, Kennebeck, Pontiac red, California White, Yellow Finn)
Oyster Mushroom Kits

I was hoping for a Winecap mushroom harvest and better potato yield.

Next Years Plan

Potatoes (5-10 varieties)
Oyster Mushroom and Mushroom Kits
Sprouts and tray grown baby greens
Fruit Pies
And….Ā Savory pies (Meat and greens and cheese)

I have been hooked on these meat and greens and cheese filled pies that they sell at the Middle Eastern grocery near me. They are affordable and ready to eat for a quick lunch. And they keep in a frig for a few days.

I want to make and sell them next year for the Farmers Market

This will require the use of a commercial kitchen, which will take some work arrange, but I love the idea of offering meat filled pies like using Corridor sausages and making greens and cheese with the seasonal fresh greens like spinach, arugula, broccoli, kale, chard, collard, beet greens or what is in season.

See You Next Season!!!!

Bona Sera Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Ann Arbor Food

Pasta Rogue

This post is mostly food porn showing off the great meal the gang at Bona Sera Secret Supper Club made for the volunteers who gave our time to support the great food and causes Bona Sera supports.

And this was just part of the meal. There was squid dish, potatoes, fresh salad and dessert with lots of wine all around.

Bona Sera is hosting another Secret Super Oct 15, for more info check out their facebook page:

Check out pics from a previous bonasera event

Ann Arbor Food

Caprese Salad

Ann Arbor Food

Ann Arbor Food

Lamb with Rice

Ann Arbor Food

Lobster Bisque