Monthly Archives: February 2012

Weight loss Weigh-in (Lost 3.8)

I am back under 230 again.

This puts me in the one pound a week range. But the ongoing drama of my up and down weight loss continues. Last week I was up four pounds. The week before, I lost 5.4.

So, we will see what happens. The plan is to go to the gym this week and to bring some weights to my cubical to do a few reps while I am at work.

I have one of those rubber band things for lifting.

I am also starting to switch from cereal to oatmeal and less bread and more brown rice. I have a rice steam, so we are going to make a big batch or rice and steam it up through the week.



Weigh in: (up 4.2)

I am up 4.2 pounds???

The deal with weigh-ins is that you want to weigh less or at least stay the same. My weigh-ins have been a roller coaster.

Last week I had a 5.4 pound loss. A few weeks before that I had also had a 5 pound weekly loss only to have gains the next few weeks.

I felt good to have the loss last week, but I felt that it will be followed by a gain while doing the same thing I did the week before.

My weight loss could really only be water weight, which can change from week to week, but does not result is real weight loss.

These big weekly loses followed by big weekly gains makes me question the process or at least the scale. Each week they seem to bring in a new scale.

And being six weeks in I wonder if I will stick with WW or find another system.

I mean I can get a scale and weigh myself once a week. And I feel that WW is simply food journaling and calorie counting in disquising with Points. You still have to look everything or use a special calulator.

Maybe if I had a weight watcher buddy, I would feel better and more accountable.

I have been better at avoiding snacks, eating more fruit and staying away from soda.

But, I am one high weekly weigh-in from being where I started.

Ann Arbor Paczki 2012

It is Paczki Time again and this year I am on Weight Watcher, but I am still going to have one. Weight impact of the Mega-Doughnut, Fat Tuesday mid-west tradition is 13 points (or more).

To put that into a weight loss perspective, the low end of the daily point range for weight watcher is 26. My daily points is 45 because of height/weight.

Last year I got aced out of Zingerman’s first annual Paczki offering. I think they massively under produced making 50-100 dozen.

But this year I got my order in early. To be honest I am usually go to:

Copernicus European Delicatessen

617 S Main St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 222-9633

This year I am given Zingerman’s a try.

They are not as big as the standard Paczki, Cher, the baker at Zingerman’s told me.

If you want Zingerman’s Paczki here is the deal: (Call early)

Call Zingerman’s: 761-7255 (ask for the bakeshop)

Price: $30 per dozen

Chocolate pudding
Ricotta (sweet…like cream cheese)
Rose Hip

Pick up: at 8:00 am or later on Feb 21 at the bake house

Check out a more complete list on where to get Paczki

Happy Valentines Day: Weight Watchers Deserve Chocolate Too

ann arbor food

Happy Valentines Day.

Most of you know  that I am doing Weight Watchers. So what to do about Valentines Day?

Simple, get some high quality chocolate of course.

I figured that each piece of a chocolate truffle is about Two Points and considering that WW allows seven points extra a day (and 49 a week) that gives plenty of room too have your chocolate and eat it too.

Forget the cheap mystery boxes of chocolate. I say get yourself and your sweetie a hand picked assortment. Three to five pieces each will not destroy your healthy eating program and to be honest, I don’t think a weight loss program that does not include holiday chocolate is sustainable. (Not for me at least)

My favorite place in town (Ann Arbor Michigan) is Sweet Gem Confection

Main Location
1928 Packard Road (inside Morgan & York)
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 929-6513

Sweet Gem is open today 9 – 6
And from 9:30 – 6:30 on Valentines Day

If you go, tell Nancy Hi from me.

What weighs 75 pounds: List 2

The weight loss target is different for all, but I imagine that whatever the number, it is large on our minds.

My target is 75 pounds, so I thought I’d have a little fun with it and make yet another list of stuff that also is 75 pounds to put it into prospective.

1) 6 American Bald Eagles
2) 21,948 Air-Inflated Party Balloons (without ribbon)
3) 72,000 Tic Tac breath mint candies
4) 2400 Brown Bats
5) 245 i-Phones
6) 14,791 condoms (with out packaging)
7) 740 Tennis Balls
8) 7,125 Hersey’s Kiss candies
9) 6,825 US Nickel coins (91 per pound)
10) 1,350 strips of bacon
11) 720,000 Million Human Sperm
12) Shipping weight of 1 Yamaha DGX505-AD 88-key Electronic Piano Keyboard
13) 557 violin bows
14) 166 Barbie Dolls
15) 2,850 Twizzlers Candy Twists
16) 240 Baseballs
17) 4,800 Cups of popcorn
18) 500 feet of heavy duty electric cord
19) A large Thai Ridgeback (dog)
20) 57 American Flags (3 X 5, heavy duty)

Weigh in 229.4 (lost 5.4 Pounds)

229.4, Under 230

It is another big weight loss weigh in. It is the first time I am under 230 in some time.

I see each 10 pound block as a milestone. The next one will be 220. Of course, I can still gain. I gained for two weeks in a row and then loss five pounds twice.

I am averaging over one pound a week, which is my target. Even if there is some ups and downs, I feel go that the one pound average will continue (if I am keeping with the program and if I pick up my exercise program)



Real Time Farms Rock

Here is a great video of Cara Rosaen of, a great resource to find out where our food comes from.

Weigh in 234.8 (plus0.6)


I am four weeks into kmy weight loss program. After two weeks of slight gains, I am averaging on the low end of an reasonable weight loss, a little over 1/2 pounds a week.

Hey I’ll take it, but…

I guess I was hoping for a quicker weight loss boost in the beginning (first month) considering that I am so over weight with some basic changes like no soda, no candy (vending machine snacks), and more fruits and veggies making a bigger weight impact.

I had a little excitement my second week with a five pound loss result, but most of that has been gained back.

The truth is that I have not been exercising much yet on my program and I am far from perfect with filling out all of my points.

All this means is that I need to step it up.

At first glance I thought that a 2.5 pound weight loss in a month was small potatoes, but now that I think about it it is not.

If someone told me that 2 years ago, I would lose 1/2 pound a week on average for 100 weeks, I would have been psyched.

About two years ago, was weigh under 220, so a 1/2 pound weight loss could have meant that I would have been at or near my goal weight.

Of course I did not lose 1/2 a week. I actually gains about 15 pounds in the last two years, which is where I am at today.

Happy Groundhog Day

Bill Murry Groundhog Day

Today is Groundhog Day, which will be forever remembered by the Bill Murry comedy with the same name.

This Movie has a certain appeal for those on weight loss program.

The movie is about weatherman Phil Connors (Bill Murry) who find himself in a time wrap, repeating the same day (Groundhog Day) forever.

One of the iconic scenes in the film is when Phil’s pig out at the diner. Phil had come to terms with the reality that he will repeat the same day, day after day, which meant that he could eat whatever he wanted, as much as he wanted and have no impact on health, weight gain etc…

Maybe, many people on a weight loss program would love to repeat the same day, day after day and eat what they want with no consequences.

The reality is that food choice and the quantity of consumption do have consequences.